The Sweet Journey: Exploring the Lifecycle of Mangoes
Imagine warm sunshine warming green leaves, making tiny green mangoes grow bigger and sweeter. That's where your delicious mango's amazing trip starts!
Sunshine helps the mangoes grow on tall trees, and farmers take care of them with natural things like compost and rainwater. They let friendly bees visit the flowers, too. This makes the mangoes extra yummy and helps the Earth stay healthy!
In the journey of growing a mango tree, seeds play a crucial role. Let's delve into the process, from planting a seed to enjoying the delicious fruit.
1.The Seed: Origin and Planting (0-2 months)
Mango seeds, referred to as "மாங்கொட்டை" in Tamil, are typically located inside ripe mango fruits. Once extracted, they undergo thorough cleaning and drying procedures to prepare them for planting. According to a popular belief, individuals with favorable "கை பக்குவம்" or "கை ராசி" are said to witness superior plant growth when they sow these seeds. This belief implies that one's inherent luck might influence the success of the planted seeds, resulting in healthier plant growth.
Once the mango seed is planted, it begins to germinate, giving rise to a small plant with a few leaves. Over time, this plant grows larger, developing more leaves and branches, gradually transforming into a young mango tree.
3.Maturation into a Tree (Years 1-3)
Over several years, the small mango plant grows bigger and stronger, eventually becoming a large tree with a solid trunk. It's important to be patient and take good care of the tree during this time, giving it enough water, food, and protection from bugs. With proper care, the mango tree becomes sturdy and ready to bear lots of tasty fruit.
4.Harvesting Mangoes (Years 3+)
After several years of growth, mango trees usually begin to produce fruit. This exciting phase often starts around the tree's fifth year, but it can vary depending on factors like the tree's health and environment. Mango season typically occurs from April to June, when the fruits ripen and become ready for harvest. During this time, the trees are filled with colorful and fragrant mangoes, making it a delightful season for farmers and fruit lovers alike.
Craving for mangoes? No worries, we've got you covered! Indulge in your love for mangoes at Namkalam, where we offer a variety of mangoes at affordable prices. Don't wait any longer—head over to Namkalam and shop now to satisfy your mango cravings!
வெயிலின் சுவை: சுவையான மாங்காய் தொக்கு (ஒரு வலைப்பதிவு) தென்னிந்தியாவின் பாரம்பரியமான தொக்கு வகைகளில் ஒன்றான மாங்காய் தொக்கு, பச்சை மாங்காயின்... Continue reading